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This is still very raw and not looking great or anything, but I'm experimenting with using the #mastodon API built into #friendica to get my #ActivityPub posts and show them on my static #eleventy website.

Because it's static, this post won't appear on it, but it should next time I rebuild.
Eventually, I want to be able to log in and reply, see my feeds, and post directly from my website. Friendica is probably overkill as a back-end, but it's what I have right now.

in reply to Gordon Pedersen


For possible hep or to share feedback, see also this #SocialHub thread:

I just discovered that #friendica has a #bluesky connector, and now I've got a combined feed of posts from #atproto and #ActivityPub people. And I can post to both from one interface.

Ben Pate 🤘🏻 reshared this.

in reply to Gordon Pedersen

I should also mention I can add RSS feeds to to my... feeds. I can't really reply or repost/boost them, but I can quote share, which is cool.
in reply to Gordon Pedersen

Of course, my home feed is an absolute mess right now, but I've got a few Circles (lists) set up for specific groups of people which is great!

So, as my own personal portal to the #fediverse, I'm selfhosting a single-user #friendica ( instance. I'm still learning, but I can easily connect to #mastodon peeps as well as following #RSS feeds (and I'm starting to reach out and explore "forums", like #lemmy instances.
in reply to Gordon Pedersen

However, I mostly interface to it via the #fedilab app (, @[email protected]), which saves my positions in feeds and, crucially, allows me to seamlessly follow external instances, such as the lovely people at

I wish I could do this in #friendica itself, too.

in reply to Gordon Pedersen

#ActivityPub is great and all, but it really needs a means of #NomadicIdentity so I can actually join a server like (for both reading and posting) while still maintaining my own identity on my own server. I feel like that's the missing piece of the puzzle.
in reply to Gordon Pedersen

Another thing I'm liking about #friendica the "saved folders" which basically act as private tags I can add to any post on my server (and #fedilab allows me to add posts from remote servers for actions like starring), and I can bring up the posts with those tags whenever I want.
It's like the bookmark feature on #mastodon, but supercharged.

@Fedilab Apps
I absolutely love the ability of #fedilab to be able to remote follow instances. I've set up my own single-user instance (#friendica) and being able to follow instances is awesome for my very blank timeline.

I have a question - more technical than a feature request - is it possible/feasible to post to another instance's shared inbox endpoint to show in their local public feed?