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Gordon Pedersen reshared this.

✨ Get your limited edition commemorative CrowdStrike Outage T-Shirt while stocks last!

🧠 My brain has just hit a procrastination lock-up. I don't know what to do, or what I should be doing

📺️ Hey, #Lucasfilm, I have an idea for a Disney+ series:
#StarWars Ascendancy. Explore the Chiss post- #Thrawn. It's basically #GameOfThrones in space!
in reply to Gordon Pedersen

All the family rivalry and politics and jockeying for power is there. As is the background threat (white walkers / Grisks), those guarding against it while the families fight (Night's Watch / Expansionary Defence Fleet), the chosen one with the mystic powers of seeing into the past / future (Bran / Cheery), seven kingdoms / six star systems...

You are also free from most of the established Star Wars canon, being in the unknown regions (aka The Chaos).

It writes itself!

🇦🇺 Yeah, I spent way too long looking into emojis, fonts and subsets. But now I have a trimmed-down Twemoji font, containing only flags. Only 76KB 🤏

🥱 Why is it that after a nap I feel groggier than when I lay down in the first place?
in reply to Gordon Pedersen

Its all to stop with the sleep cycle, and how deep you let yourself sink into it. I find that setting a timer for 20–30 minutes lets me recharge and wake up refreshed.

🃏 #MarvelSnap
Arishem has arrived. He's immediately popular.
Now Darkhawk is super powerful 😈

🙈 Why do some sites support a dark theme, but still default to light regardless of user preferences?

There's even an option for "system default", but that's not your default? Wtf?

💭 Good judgment comes from experience, and a lot of that comes from bad judgment.
- Will Rogers

🔄 Pull to refresh is a weird concept.
And a pain in the butt to implement properly.

📺️ It's been a minute since I've watched free-to-air TV. I can feel my eyes glazing over

📺️ It's been a minute since I've watched free-to-air TV. I can feel my eyes glazing over...

📽️ It's been a minute since I've watched free-to-air TV. I can feel my eyes glazing over

📺 It's been a minute since I've watched free-to-air TV. I can feel my eyes glazing over...
in reply to Gordon Pedersen

Oh gosh isn’t it AWFUL!! Free-to-air TV ads are an insult to intelligence in some cases, and an assault on the senses in others. And even though a few are good / informative, there are just too many. Waaaay too many.

Gordon Pedersen reshared this.

Perfect comparison of the 60's ideal futurists vs the current parasitic techbros.

#techbros #AI #futurism

reshared this

⌨️ I think my next hyperfocus is going to be building a multiplatform status.log equivalent.

I have a desire to try and build a #MAUI #Blazor hybrid app, and working with the API seems pretty fun. Plus, I'm a bit jealous that the current app is apple-only

I couldn't see any docs on the API, and I'll have to figure out the OAuth flow, but surely it shouldn't be hard?

🗣️ It's not static, but I've added JavaScript to load replies to my posts (the ones that are linked to a friendica post, anyway). So you can visit the the weblog and see the conversation as a comments thread, then link off to interact with the conversation on your own instance (if you "log in" first).

I really should do a full write-up of what I've done with my site so far... Maybe after I commit to putting it on my main domain.

in reply to Gordon Pedersen

Update: I committed to putting it on my main domain. Now available at
I'm quite proud of it, but I still can't help wondering what I want to add to it next.
in reply to Gordon Pedersen

I also started writing up some stuff about how I built it but... I don't know, I feel like I write too verbosely. Maybe I need to split it up into multiple posts...

🗂️ A new version of #Wavebox has afforded me the incentive to reorganise all my apps/tabs.

In doing so, I realised something: apart from numbering, it's organised like a #JohnnyDecimal system!
I've got Spaces for Areas, Groups for Categories and "Apps" and/or pinned tabs as individual ID points. All other tabs are temporary and will be trashed when I close the browser.

Gordon Pedersen reshared this.

If you design a system such that you cannot differentiate people from corporations and bots and that’s your defense for calling all of them “users”, you’ve designed a system that conflates people – who are mortal, have feelings, can feel pain and be hurt and who have human rights that must be protected – with the very entities that oftentimes exist to exploit them.

Design for people. Call them people. All else is secondary.

#design #technology #ethics #peopleNotUsers

This entry was edited (2 months ago)
in reply to Aral Balkan Geffrey van der Bos reshared this.

This is an oldie, but I still like it

"If someone needs to be told to think and work in a human centered way when they are designing something, it should be a clear indication of how separated the discipline of design has become from what it is the design is being applied to."

😲 I've done some pretty fancy stuff with CSS in the past, but nothing quite on the level of DOOM Scroll:

Gordon Pedersen reshared this.

Wrote a thing:

reshared this

💬 Sometimes I just can't help myself. My site now has a fediverse "login" — you enter fediverse handle and it will look up your avatar and subscribe link via webfinger, saving those to local storage.
Then, it replaces all the links to my friendica instance with links to that same post in your instance (as per the subscribe link).

I just need to figure out how to get the reply/reblog/like counts of my posts in there, too.

in reply to Gordon Pedersen

Woohoo! Got the counts in! Thanks to @Hypolite Petovan for pointing me in the right direction WRT Friendica's API

Friendica Support reshared this.

Get replies/reblogs/favourites count via uri

!Friendica Support
If I have the URI of a post (e.g. and retrieve it via a JSON API call, I get the ActivityPub representation of that post. This does not include the replies/reblogs/favourites count.

If I retrieve the post through the Mastodon-compatible API, using its local id (e.g. I will get the counts, as well as the URI.

But if I'm starting with the URI, how do I get the local id to then call that API?

in reply to Gordon Pedersen Friendica Support reshared this.

@Gordon Pedersen I expect the search endpoint (/api/v2/search) to return the post object including its identifier. Just use the remote post URL as search string. Here's the documentation for it:
in reply to Gordon Pedersen Friendica Support reshared this.

@Gordon Pedersen By the way, I love your profile picture, I played a ton of Tiny Tower by Nimblebit! 😄
in reply to Gordon Pedersen Friendica Support reshared this.

@Gordon Pedersen Yes, I believe it does, do you mind sharing the context of your work?
in reply to Hypolite Petovan Friendica Support reshared this.

@Hypolite Petovan
I'm experimenting with showing the counts on my personal blog.
If you click the icon on the top right (or any "Interact on the Fediverse" link) then enter your handle, the page should refresh and show counts on posts.
in reply to Gordon Pedersen Friendica Support reshared this.

@Gordon Pedersen Oh, I see, definitely an interesting feature, although as you've found out, there's no reference to the uri-id in the public ActivityPub representation of a post.

@Michael Vogel What are the risks of including the uri-id of a post in the /objects/ output?

in reply to Hypolite Petovan Friendica Support reshared this.

There is no field for that in the protocol. Also it is a value that is different for each system. I would prefer some change in the API instead.
in reply to Michael Vogel Friendica Support reshared this.

@Michael Vogel @Gordon Pedersen We're already exposing the non-standard diaspora:guid field.

The alternative seems to start accepting a URL as a parameter for the /api/v1/statuses/ API endpoint, before it's converted to uri-id.

in reply to Hypolite Petovan Friendica Support reshared this.

The guid doesn't change between the systems. Also it is needed for the Diaspora communication. But using the search should should work.
in reply to Michael Vogel Friendica Support reshared this.

@Michael Vogel @Gordon Pedersen We do check the authentication token for the search, which requires an account on the remote system you're probing for interaction counts.

🚧 Hooray! I've managed to rig things up so that future posts from post directly to
This is part of a wider effort to both migrate my website to and consolidate my online presence.
There is still a lot of work to do in this regard, but this felt like a solid step in the right direction.

🧑‍🔬 (The previous post was supposed to also be a test of my new workflow for adding posts to my blog, but I messed something up with env variables, so I'm going to use this post to test instead)

💜 I just want to shout out @Adam :prami: for running a great service with even greater support 👍

📧 Okay. Fastmail is cool.
I've been using it for a while now, but I only just realised that the way I have things set up, not only does it not matter what goes before the @, but I can have an unlimited depth of subdomains. As long as it ends with my domain, I'll get the email.

I'm not the kind of person who cares about numbers like likes or follower count. I'm not, nor do I ever aim to be, an "influencer".
But I do kinda wish I had more followers just so I had more people around to help answer whatever random question I have on my mind at any given moment.
in reply to Johnny ‘Decimal’ Noble

@Johnny ‘Decimal’ Noble
I was kinda referring to

Does anyone know of a good #mobile #keyboard that I can use hand-held? I want to be able to type on something with actual tactile feedback (I hate touch screen keyboards) but doesn't sacrifice portability by having to set the phone down somewhere while I type.
(My brain seems to be on overload right now)

Does anyone know of a good #mobile #keyboard that I can use hand-held? I want to be able to type on something with actual tactile feedback (I hate touch screen keyboards) but doesn't sacrifice portability by having to set the phone down somewhere while I type.
(My brain seems to be on overload right now)
in reply to Gordon Pedersen

I think what I really want is something like a game grip (example ), but instead of controller buttons, a full split qwerty keyboard, like the old Nokia 5510
in reply to Gordon Pedersen

I found this image in a search, but the link to the website is broken, and I can't find a source. It claims to be a combined keyboard and power bank. And it might be specific to iPhone, whereas I use Android, but this is in the right direction, at least...

How do you get motivated for a big, fairly ambiguous task that you really don't want to do?
in reply to Gordon Pedersen

The obvious answer, when I write my question in those words, is to first get clarity. Lack of clarity is a big part of what kills my motivation. Unfortunately, the task is debugging. Getting clarity is the goal of the ambiguous task.

So my question stands. How do you get motivated?

✨ Why, of all things, does #Bluey know how to press my emotional buttons? I don't even know why I'm getting emotional.

Gordon Pedersen reshared this.

I have never, not once, wanted a browser to open inside an app
This entry was edited (3 months ago)

reshared this

in reply to Adrianna Tan pseudometa reshared this.

I have never wanted to copy and paste rich text. Not once

An unforeseen benefit of assigning #JohnnyDecimal IDs to everything (and cleanly distinguishing between what I consider "public" and "private" stuff) is that I can refer to private stuff in public without actually mentioning it.

For example, I can complain about how complex [401.12] is and how hard it is to debug, and as long as I don't get into specifics, it's perfectly fine.

Small #JohnnyDecimal update: I feel like I'm using the folder structure in my Obsidian vault as my index. It's a nice foldable tree view, drag-and-drop capable, simple to add, remove and rename stuff...
Maybe I don't need an 00.00 index note / database / whatever...