Lucy and I have an Excel course. We're just transferring it over to the same account as the JD Workshop to save ourselves US$75/month.

I'd forgotten how much care we'd put in to it. Honestly, it's really good. For example here is a screenshot where we introduce the concept of Charts.


Will drop a link here when we make it live. Lucy's just spent a week bringing it over and refreshing it.

ohmrun mastodon (AP)
Cheese, you say
I ask you in which other course can you earn your ‘VLOOKUP wings’, which is an actual sticker that we will send you in the mail?
Ellane W mastodon (AP)
I can attest that it's a great course—now I want to finish it and earn my wings!

@Johnny ‘Decimal’ Noble
I'm a software developer by trade. I've done my share of pretty complex coding. My wife is intimidated by what I can do with a small amount of JavaScript.
... But I am intimidated by what she can do with VLOOKUP and pivot tables. It's just crazy sometimes.

Together we have a Google Sheet with scripting attached that basically runs a part of the business she works for.

Jak2k mastodon (AP)
Excel? The expensive Libre Office Calc clone? /half joking

@jak2k Ha!

I did try to use Numbers once. That didn’t work.

Love it or hate it, Excel is essential if you have a job. Being able to do stuff really does put you above many other people.

I’ve worked in IT all my life and some of the stuff I’ve seen people churn out would make your blood run cold.

Jak2k mastodon (AP)
Hot take: People should learn python instead of Excel.

Yeah… in theory…

…but good luck firing up a Python console on your horrible corporate-controlled Windows laptop. And connecting to a data source. And publishing the data.

But Excel? It’s just there. It just works.

If I was in charge (of everything, i.e. god), and we could start again, sure. Python or whatever. But I’m not, and we can’t, and Excel is what we have.

So let’s get better at using Excel.

This entry was edited (8 months ago)