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🗣️ It's not static, but I've added JavaScript to load replies to my posts (the ones that are linked to a friendica post, anyway). So you can visit the the weblog and see the conversation as a comments thread, then link off to interact with the conversation on your own instance (if you "log in" first).

I really should do a full write-up of what I've done with my site so far... Maybe after I commit to putting it on my main domain.

in reply to Gordon Pedersen

Update: I committed to putting it on my main domain. Now available at
I'm quite proud of it, but I still can't help wondering what I want to add to it next.
in reply to Gordon Pedersen

I also started writing up some stuff about how I built it but... I don't know, I feel like I write too verbosely. Maybe I need to split it up into multiple posts...