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💬 Sometimes I just can't help myself. My site now has a fediverse "login" — you enter fediverse handle and it will look up your avatar and subscribe link via webfinger, saving those to local storage.
Then, it replaces all the links to my friendica instance with links to that same post in your instance (as per the subscribe link).

I just need to figure out how to get the reply/reblog/like counts of my posts in there, too.

in reply to Gordon Pedersen

Also, at some point, I want to replace the emoji font (currently Noto Color Emoji) with the same 3D Fluent ones that uses.
Any tips, @Adam :prami: ?
in reply to Gordon Pedersen

Great question. I think Microsoft might have some fonts with these glyphs already, but I don‘t have a Windows machine handy to check. But the Windows 11 examples on… look pretty much like the Fluent emoji (in the flat style, at least).
in reply to Adam :prami:

@Adam :prami:
I went down a rabbit hole, and for something that is literally bundled with Windows, it's hard to pin down.
I found this GitHub Repo which has a custom CSS to replace Discord emoji with the Fluent ones, and it has the Teams animated ones as an option! So I grabbed a copy of that CSS for my site.
They're being served from some guy's personal website at the moment (mirrored from this repository, I believe), so I'll probably want to host a mirror myself somewhere at some point, but they look great!
in reply to Gordon Pedersen

Woohoo! Got the counts in! Thanks to @Hypolite Petovan for pointing me in the right direction WRT Friendica's API